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UK household survey reveals majority want support to deal with the energy crisis

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UK household survey reveals majority want support to deal with the energy crisis

The latest KPMG surveyshows that one in three households in the UK claimed soaring energy prices would have the most significant impact on their budget this winter.

The survey, which included 3000 consumers across a range of household incomes, highlighted the growing anxiety surrounding energy costs in the UK. The results show that nine out of ten respondents intend to take measures to reduce energy costs.

A third of households said the most probable method to support the extra costs would be to reduce or turn off their central heating supply, with a quarter of respondents planning to use fewer appliances in a bid to consume less electricity.

Simon Virley CB, vice chair and head of energy and natural resources at KPMG, noted: “Rising energy bills are set to drive a wave of behavioural change over this winter as many households look to mitigate the impact as much as they can. 

“With some of the leakiest housing stock in Europe, addressing the energy efficiency of our homes will be key to permanently reducing bills, improving energy security, and tackling climate change.”

Upgrades that promote energy efficiency are high on the to-do list for many households, with 24 per cent reporting plans to upgrade light bulbs and 21 per cent looking to improve their glazing.

Additionally, consumers are now considering more significant investments, such as installing solar panels or improving boiler and heating systems. However, 23 per cent of households surveyed stated that they would not be able to make such changes because they are too expensive.

Commenting on the attitude towards energy efficient upgrades, Mr Virley added: “This survey indicates that there is clear public appetite for this. This appetite needs to be matched with better information and support for households to make the changes needed.”

The majority of respondents said that more support in acquiring energy efficient measures would help them through the coming winter, with 55 per cent stating they would apply for support if offered.

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